Welded Cold Drawn Tubes

Product Information

Product standards: EN10305-2, DIN 2393, ASTM A513

Main products: automobile engine parts, hydraulic cylinder tubes for machinery equipment


a) ReH≤500MPa,the curvature is 0.0015 L

b) ReH>500MPa,the curvature is 0.002 L


The usual length of steel tube is 3000mm~8000mm.

According to the demand of the buyer, and after negotiation between the supplier and the buyer, steel tube of other lengths can be produced.


According to the demand of the buyer, and after negotiation between the supplier and the buyer, other steel tube can be produced.

Delivery Status

Cold working/hard state: +C

Cold working/soft state: +LC

Stress relief annealing state after cold working: +SR

Annealing state: +A

Normalizing state: +N

Mechanical Properties

Dimensions And Tolerances